Sharing My Journey of Learning and Development |
Exploring Tech, One Trail at a Time

Web & Mobile developer

Knowledge Sharing is caring.

This website will serve as a blog to share my new learnings through tutorials for everyone to follow. It will also be a way for me to showcase my newly acquired skills and my talent, sharing them clearly.

Elegance in simplicity

I believe that the simplest solutions are the best because they offer faster implementation and are easier to maintain.

Gotta Try the New Stuff

I try my best to stay up to date with new technologies and will implement them on my website, sharing guides on how I did so. Stay connected for upcoming content! 😊


My skills to your service

WordPress Web Solutions

I have acquired skills in WordPress through experience at Bridge Media, enabling me to provide innovative and elegant solutions for your current and future endeavors!


I have worked on multiple projects in college where I built Android applications for specific needs. I will write a series of articles about a game that I will develop, which will be available on both Apple and Android application stores.

Computer Linguist

I learned the fundamentals of programming languages and object-oriented programming concepts at Rosemont College. However, I am well-experienced with the following programming languages: Java, PHP, JavaScript, Kotlin, C#, and Python. I have also worked with these frameworks: Angular, Laravel, WordPress, .NET, and Spring Boot.


Being able to work in both French and English allows me to collaborate with teams across Canada and the rest of the world.

Custom Web Development Solutions

When all the solutions that WordPress or other platform are exhausted, I am here to build custom solution in angular for example or I might be able to write that custom plugin for your WordPress site.


With my experience in computer support, combined with my time at Bridge Media, where I solved various types of issues, I was able to deepen my understanding of the fundamentals. This experience has equipped me to solve future problems more efficiently.


Our Services For Clients

Bridge Media

I completed my internship at Bridge Media, where I received invaluable mentorship that taught me everything I know about WordPress. I am grateful for the knowledge I gained and excited to take on new challenges ahead.

Tekalia Aeronautic

I worked for one year as an IT professional, providing support to ensure the smooth operation of the organization’s entire IT infrastructure. During this time, I honed my skills in developing fast, secure, and lightweight Linux and Windows solutions.


Projects I have participated


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Markdown Guide

Markdown Guide Introduction Markdown is a lightweight markup language designed to format text easily and efficiently. It allows you to create rich text…